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El colectivo de personas trans existió siempre, pero lo que no hubo antes fueron familias acompañando. Y es que históricamente, el primer lugar de exclusión de una experiencia trans fue la familia: el ámbito del hogar, que debería funcionar como un refugio de amor responsable, terminaba siendo el lugar que a menudo condenaba. Luego, las demás instituciones también activaban sus violencias, marginando a éstas personas.

Emprender la transición de género tan temprano no ha sido común hasta ahora, pero las personas expertas que trabajan en este campo no lo consideran inconveniente. “Si una niña o un niño muestran con mucha claridad que su identidad de género sentida es otra, ¿por qué no se va a iniciar el tránsito?”, razona Nuria Asenjo desde la Unidad de Identidad de Género del hospital Ramón y Cajal de Madrid. Sore Vega, desde Tránsit, argumenta: “Toda persona, independientemente de cómo construya su identidad, la construye desde edad temprana, y sin embargo ese proceso solo se pone en entredicho si se realiza en un sentido contrario al género asignado”. Su propuesta es, sobre todo, escuchar y acompañar a la infancia, para que tomen decisiones “desde un lugar de autonomía” y evitar “el daño que puede ocasionar negar la identidad de una criatura”.

Hay muchas formas de estar en el mundo. En 2018, la Organización Mundial de la Salud retiró la transexualidad de su lista de enfermedades mentales. Dejar de catalogar la transexualidad como patología, es esencial para que las personas trans puedan vivir sin sentirse marginadas ni ser excluidas del sistema. Los problemas que lastra de siempre a este colectivo, dice Vega, no son causa de su identidad sino del rechazo a la que la somete la familia, el sistema escolar y el medio ambiente social. “Hay que educar a la sociedad para que pueda dar la bienvenida a la diversidad de género”.

The collective of transgender people has always existed, but what did not exist before were families accompanying them. The fact is that, historically, the first place of exclusion of a transgender experience was the family: the home, which should function as a refuge of responsible love  ended up being the place that often condemned.

Then, other institutions also activated their violence, marginalizing these violence, marginalizing these people.

Undertaking gender transition so early in life has not been common until now, but people has not been common until now, but experts working in the field do not consider it experts who work in this field do not consider it inconvenient. "If a girl or a boy shows very clearly that his or her their felt gender identity is different, why shouldn't they start the transition?" reasons Nuria Asenjo from the Gender Identity Unit of the Ramón of Gender Identity at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid. Sore Vega, from Tránsit, argues: "Every person, regardless of how he or she person, regardless of how he or she constructs his or her identity, builds it from an early age, and yet this process is only this process is only called into question if it is done in the opposite in a direction contrary to the assigned gender". Her above all, to listen to and accompany children, so that they can take children, so that they can make decisions "from a place of autonomy" and avoid "the damage that can be caused by denying a child's identity.

the damage that can be caused by denying a child's identity".

There are many ways of being in the world. In 2018, the

World Health Organization removed transsexuality from its list of mental illnesses. from its list of mental illnesses. To stop categorizing transsexuality as a pathology, it is essential for transgender people to be able to live without feeling transgender people can live without feeling marginalized or excluded from the system. excluded from the system. The problems that have always

Vega says, are not caused by their identity, but by the rejection to which they are identity but the rejection to which they are subjected by the family, the school system and the social environment. school system and the social environment. "It is necessary to society must be educated to welcome gender diversity. gender diversity.



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